Codependency and Attachment

Do your relationships feel like a constant emotional rollercoaster? Do you long for closeness yet feel trapped by a fear of being engulfed or abandoned? Codependency and your underlying attachment style may be the driving forces behind these turbulent patterns.

Our early experiences with caregivers shape our attachment style – the way we relate to others in close relationships. When early needs for security are consistently met, a secure attachment develops. When needs are inconsistent or neglected, insecure attachment styles (anxious or avoidant) can emerge, influencing relationship dynamics throughout life.

The many faces of codependency

Codependency isn't just about being overly helpful. It's a complex pattern of behaviors and beliefs, including:

  • Seeking validation and self-worth primarily through others' approval
  • A tendency to become preoccupied with the problems of others, feeling responsible for solving them
  • Difficulty recognizing and expressing your own emotions and needs
  • Intense fear of being alone or disliked, leading to compromising behavior
  • A distorted sense of responsibility, as if the well-being of others rests solely on your shoulders

The ripple effects on love

Codependency, at its core, is a desperate attempt to get unmet attachment needs fulfilled. Sadly, this pattern often backfires. Partners may feel suffocated by the intensity or drained by the constant need for reassurance.  For the codependent person, the cycle of unmet needs and fears deepens, leaving them feeling even more insecure and unlovable.

The path to secure connection

The good news is that healing is possible. By understanding your attachment style and the emotional roots of your codependency, you can begin to untangle these long-held patterns. Therapies like Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) offer a safe space to:

  • Explore the early experiences that shaped your attachment style
  • Process the vulnerable emotions driving codependent behaviors
  • Develop the ability to self-soothe and regulate your emotions
  • Learn to communicate your needs directly and authentically
  • Build healthy boundaries that honor both yourself and your loved ones

A journey of self-rediscovery

Breaking free from codependency is about more than just changing relationship dynamics. It's about reclaiming your own wholeness. Imagine relationships where you feel cherished without needing to sacrifice yourself, where your voice is heard, and where love flows freely, not from a place of desperation. This kind of secure connection is within your reach.

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We can help

Traditional talk therapy can help people cope with trauma, but it may not address the root causes and the effects on the body and mind. EMDR, OEI, and somatic experiencing are three evidence-based modalities that can help trauma survivors heal more deeply and effectively.

They work by processing traumatic memories, resolving emotional blocks, and restoring the natural balance of the nervous system.

If you want to learn more about these powerful approaches and how they can help you, contact Lighthouse Counselling today.

Who we are?

We are a team of specialized trauma therapy to help you heal.  

We differ from other clinics in that we are focused in providing tools to help empower you towards healing.

Stop suffering, start living. Contact us today to learn now.

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