Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

If you have experienced a traumatic event in your life, such as abuse, violence, accident, or loss, you may have developed symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions. These symptoms can interfere with your daily functioning and affect your quality of life. You may feel stuck in the past, unable to move forward and heal from the trauma.

Fortunately, there is a treatment that can help you process and release the traumatic memories and emotions that are holding you back. It is called eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.

What is EMDR?

EMDR therapy is based on the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, which proposes that the brain has a natural ability to process and store information in an adaptive way. However, when a traumatic event occurs, this process can be disrupted and the memory can become frozen or stuck in the brain, along with the negative emotions, beliefs, and sensations that were experienced at the time. This can lead to symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance, anxiety, guilt, anger, or low self-esteem.

EMDR therapy helps you access the traumatic memory and stimulate both sides of your brain with eye movements or other methods. This allows the memory to be processed and integrated with more positive and adaptive information. As a result, the memory loses its emotional charge and becomes less distressing. You can also develop new perspectives and insights about yourself and the event.

Multiple studies indicate that 84-90% of people with single-trauma PTSD no longer qualify for a PTSD diagnosis after only three 90-minute EMDR sessions.

EMDR treatment may cause you to recall or discover new aspects of the traumatic memory that you were not aware of before. This may be upsetting or confusing at first, but it can also help you process and resolve the memory more fully.

It can cause you to have vivid dreams or memories related to the trauma. These may be disturbing or unpleasant, but they can also indicate that your brain is working on integrating the memory.

Lastly, It may cause you to feel tired or drained after the sessions. This is because EMDR therapy requires a lot of mental and emotional energy. You may need to rest and take care of yourself after the sessions.

How EMDR works.

EMDR therapy consists of eight phases that are conducted over several sessions. The phases are:

Phase 1:  History taking
Your therapist will ask you about your background, your current situation, an your goals for therapy. You will also identify potential targets for EMDR therapy, such as traumatic or stressful events that have affected you.
Phase 2:  Preparation
Your therapist will explain how EMDR therapy works and what to expect. You will also learn some coping skills to manage any emotional distress that may arise during or between sessions.
Phase 3:  Assessment
Your therapist will help you select a specific target memory to work on. You will identify the image that represents the memory. he negative belief that you have about yourself in relation to the memory, the positive belief that you would like to have instead, the emotions and sensations that you feel when you think of the memory, and a rating of how disturbing the memory is for you on a scale from 0 to 10.
Phase 4:  Desensitization
Your therapist will ask you to focus on the target memory while guiding you to move your eyes back and forth following their fingers or a light bar. Alternatively, they may use tapping or sounds to stimulate both sides of your brain. This phase lasts until your rating of disturbance goes down to 0 or 1.
Phase 5:  Body Scan
Your therapist will ask you to scan your body for any residual tension or discomfort while thinking of the target memory and the positive belief. If there is any negative sensation left, you will continue with the eye movements or other stimulation until it is gone.
Phase 6: Closure
Your therapist will debrief you about the session and help you return to a calm and balanced state. You will also discuss any homework assignments or self-care activities that you need to do between sessions.
Phase 7:  Re-evaluation
At the beginning of each session, your therapist will review your progress and check if there are any changes in how you feel about the target memory or any new memories that have emerged. You will then decide whether to continue working on the same target or move on to a new one.
Phase 8:  Installation
Your therapist will ask you to focus on the positive belief that you want to have about yourself while continuing with the eye movements or other stimulation. This phase aims to strengthen and reinforce the positive belief until you feel fully confident about it.

Benefits of EMDR treatment

EMDR therapy has impressive success rates in treating PTSD, with many single-trauma victims experiencing relief after just a few sessions. EMDR often produces results faster than traditional talk therapy or some medication-based approaches. This rapid effect extends to those with multiple traumas as well.  

EMDR is backed by extensive research and recognized by major health organizations. Beyond  PTSD, it's proving beneficial for anxiety, depression, and other conditions. While EMDR is a powerful treatment, it's important to remember that individual experiences vary and it's not a one-size-fits-all cure.

EMDR: A path toward healing.

EMDR therapy is a powerful tool for addressing the impact of trauma and other difficult experiences.  Its unique approach can help desensitize painful memories, shift negative beliefs, and promote a sense of resolution. While not an instant fix, EMDR often provides relief more quickly than traditional talk therapy alone.

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How we can support your journey.

At Lighthouse Counselling, we understand that the wounds of trauma run deep and can feel impossible to overcome. Our mission is to be a beacon of hope, guiding you towards healing.  We offer a safe, compassionate space where you can begin to unpack your experiences.  Our team includes therapists trained in cutting-edge trauma therapies like EMDR, proven to facilitate deep healing.

We don't simply offer quick fixes; we walk alongside you, helping you understand your trauma's impact, while building resilience and developing coping mechanisms that support long-term well-being.  

Let us help you navigate the storm and find the calm within.

Who we are?

We are a team of specialized trauma therapy to help you heal.  

We differ from other clinics in that we are focused in providing tools to help empower you towards healing.

Stop suffering, start living. Contact us today to learn now.

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